0.0.4 Level Layout and New Guys

Finally after nothing but gifs of Unity's default skybox we have some dark and dingy dungeons to traverse through. Though only one in number currently, the hope is to have many layouts for the dungeon that are picked at random.

With some dark and selective lighting only the enemies your really focused on will be visible and- WOAH! What was that?

This guy is fast, 

this guy is surprising, 

but most of all this guy is...


Added to the game is a tinier and more annoying equivalent to your average skeleton, doing less damage but moving a whole lot quicker.

And yes, I did just say damage, as with the help of a scriptable object the enemies are now capable of dealing out damage. This and a few other player based attributes such as position and speed are held in a scriptable object, this way any kind of script I need to access the player's data, can do that. For example the enemies minus points away from the health attribute and the game manager can read that to know when you die, and I'm sure you will be dying as small and medium guys aren't the only ones showing up lately...

This big lug presents the exact opposite challenge to the little guy, more damage, harder to knock around, but slower than rush hour traffic. Don't worry though because you can dish a hit or two yourself now with a lovely damage system for the player. Working in conjunction with the "isAttackable" script damage is dealt based on the type of hit that is called, ranging from small to large based on the attack in the combo. 

With this a true fight can occur between rivals.

My hope is for these two new friends/mortal enemies can spice up the variety in the dungeons and force you to think twice in certain scenarios.

Current next focus would visualising all of the new attributes to the screen with UI, as well as making a few more level layouts to populate with enemies.

Get Glory: Undead

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