0.0.4 UI, AI, and Particles

Check out these fancy particles! Just to spice up the visual flair and give you a little more feedback on your interactions with the world, some particle effects have been added. Specifically we have a little dust cloud on a hit with the hammer and some bones flying out of the skeletons as you smash them to pieces.

As you can also see in the above gifs the paladin's health has been visualised with 10 hearts at the top of the screen which disappear with each hit he takes so keep an eye on it while in combat.

Accompanying the new health display is a game over screen for those times that the undead do manage to win one over on you. Don't feel like playing much more after that? A new main menu is also available with a few buttons to discover. Currently no functionality is implemented for the settings button but other than that all menus function as expected. Assuming you don't want to ever see that game over screen a new ability has been added to the paladin's arsenal.

At a rate of 1 heart/sec the paladin raises his hammer in prayer for some much needed healing. Leaving you unable to move unfortunately, you must strategically decide when it's best to repair the wounds of battle. I do hope to add some more visual flair to this ability most likely with a few more particles.

To summarize some of the other changes here's a list:

  • Fixed a bug with the crouch animation not playing if crouching while running
  • A general game flow is now included which loaded another level when the exit is reached
  • Added a de-aggro range on the enemies
  • Enemies can no longer spawn in the cameras view
  • Inputs can now be queued during a combo allowing for a more forgiving input collection (is a little buggy)

The next focus will be adding multiple more levels to explore and improving visual design further.

Get Glory: Undead

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