0.0.5 Visual Flair and Doors

0.0.5 is here and with it comes a new challenge to face in the dungeons...

A door.

Requiring a key hidden somewhere in the level these doors introduce an extra layer of depth to the explorative experience. Currently 2  new levels include a door but more are planned to make use of the feature. I'm sure the door isn't the only thing you're eyeing in these gifs though, as we now have some new snazzy textures added to the game. The base texture are made entirely by me, with the normal map being made with this online tool: NormalMap-Online (cpetry.github.io)

The back wall also features the same texture darkened (the second image) but had to be disabled during the recording of the gif to ensure they were under the max file size for itch. Guess you'll have to play the game to see them and if you do you also find many more visual improvements such as camera shake!

Also seen in the door gif this little touch adds much more impact to the more important actions in the game, such as:

  • Giving damage
  • Taking damage
  • Door opening
  • Hitting the ground etc.

Finally for another visual flair I added some particle effects to the heal ability as I mentioned in the last log.

With these small touches bringing the visual design of the game together next focuses with be making more levels with even more different features and layouts making every dungeon crawl feel unique.

Get Glory: Undead

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